
Create a new user

The enabel:user:add command creates new users and saves them in the database:

  bin/console enabel:user:add email password display-name

By default, the command creates regular users. To create administrator users (ROLE_ADMIN), add the --admin option:

  bin/console enabel:user:add email password display-name --admin

To create super administrator users (ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN), add the --super-admin option:

  bin/console enabel:user:add email password display-name --super-admin

If you omit any of the required arguments, the command will ask you to provide the missing values:

    # command will ask you for the password and display-name
    bin/console enabel:user:add email

    # command will ask you for all arguments
    bin/console enabel:user:add

Promote a user

The enabel:user:promote command promote a user to a administrator:

  bin/console enabel:user:promote email

By default, the command promote the user to a administrator (ROLE_ADMIN). To promote to super administrator users (ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN), add the --super-admin option:

  bin/console enabel:user:promote email --super-admin

If you omit the email, the command will ask you to provide the missing values:

    # command will ask you for the email
    bin/console enabel:user:promote

Demote a user

The enabel:user:demote command demote a administrator to a user:

  bin/console enabel:user:demote email

By default, the command demote the administrator to a user. To demote to super administrator users (ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN), add the --super-admin option:

  bin/console enabel:user:demote email --super-admin

If you omit the email, the command will ask you to provide the missing values:

    # command will ask you for the email
    bin/console enabel:user:demote